I recently met someone who had taken on a large operational role for a key transport organisation in the city. We were talking about how long they had been at their previous company before moving organisations and I remember the look of surprise on their face when it became clear I had moved roles probably every two years, when working in the permanent world. I was somewhat surprised at their surprise, was it still so alien in some sectors to consider regular moves to progress your career?
I reflected later that we are still in a buyer’s market when it comes to changing jobs and more specifically organisations. It still appears that companies believe they are making the choice about who they will hire, when they will hire and for how much.
However my reflection took me a little further… As an interim I was hired in to manage tangible change in organisations, to either mend things fundamentally broken or to elevate the organisation in my field of speciality to a new level. I don’t think it arrogant to feel on reflection I was good at what I did and was able to sell myself comfortably as an asset that many organisations needed and I would pay for myself in ROI.
As a coach of a variety of great people, from a variety of industries, my ultimate dream would be that they all start to believe the same thing: that what they do and achieve within their current organisations makes them hugely valuable to the wider industry. That they can leverage their self-belief so that organisations want their expertise and track record of success. It shouldn’t be a buyer’s market but a seller’s market: “You need me!”
My move every two years was not based on time but success, I had achieved what I’d been brought in to do. I now needed to go and share my skills with another organisation that needed me and I left my organisations in a far better place than when I arrived and in safe hands that would continue to add growth.
What a powerful way to shift the hiring world – searches based on sourcing people who tick certain success criteria and hiring companies convincing the candidate that this is a worthy organisation that deserves their investment for the time it takes to achieve the agreed goals. I know we would all benefit from a shift in our approach to new roles and it would most certainly increase our self-belief in being the most sought-after subject matter expert.
When a member of the team is always doing their best in everything they do are they more vulnerable to feedback, if at the time we give it we forget they are doing their best and just see the output that we might have done differently? Effectively when we criticise rather than praise.
During that time as leaders when we challenge how our team members are approaching things, or we critique the perceived outcomes of their efforts, do we forget that they haven’t stopped trying to always do their best?
This makes the ability to give well rounded, supportive feedback so valuable. At most times it is critical to show skills and consideration when giving feedback but even more so when somebody is giving their all, as they may well be running on empty. What we as leaders say and do at those times will fill the bucket for the next big push or drain it in seconds.
“The power of great feedback, it’s a great gift in the right hands.” You have the choice to inspire or drain, consider this in every interaction you have.
Trust is the strongest foundation for any team. Trust in the people around you, trust in your leaders and peers, trust in your team. Those teams that really challenge and support each other trust.
How do we build trust? All of us build trust differently with different requirements set over different periods of time but how much do we truly evaluate the trust we place in others?
When we get on the tube, we trust the driver to get us from A to B safely with no incidents. We trust in our fellow passengers that we share a carriage with and we trust the staff working at all stations to look out for us and to an extent keep us safe.
How do we build that trust, its usually over large periods of time commuting however there is an implicit trust the first time we get on the underground. We follow those around us and trust, we travel safely and the trust increases. Friends and family gain our trust in other ways, the depth of trust is usually different and deeper, it is specific trust towards a person and is learnt from their interactions and behaviours over time but with out parents is built into to us as babies from our first interactions.
How we trust in and gain the trust of others and is vital in how we build powerful teams. A team that will feel safe enough to challenge and stretch each other is a team that has the potential to be truly great. If members of a team hold back for fear of conflict they are likely to hold back thoughts of value, ideas, opportunities or challenges that have the potential for greatness.
As leaders, our greatest skill is to create a powerful safe environment where trust is felt throughout and the value recognised by all those involved as they must understand its value and commit to protecting that trust for the sake of the team and the greatness that can follow.