+44 7917 006 485 [email protected]


Unleashing individual potential

Inspire – Unleashing Individual Potential

Helping people to break through barriers within organisations to deliver their best.

“Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.” – Wilma Rudolph

True equality in the world and in the work place comes from self belief, an inner determination that we are all equal, that we can achieve anything we set our minds to, that many of the barriers that are in our way are perceived and can be broken down with a strong desire and will to achieve. This programme is about releasing that potential in everyone and setting aside the barriers to achieving success and to ignite the belief that we can all inspire those around us to achieve the same.

Rather than focused on a whole team, you may have individuals within your organisation that have great potential to inspire as leaders of the future. If you have 5-10 high performing individuals within your organisation that would benefit, then this workshop can be delivered in house.

The Inspire programme fits comfortably within your organisation’s own DNA, incorporating many of the philosophies developed and will immerse you in the core leadership behaviours. It will help you to unlock and grow your skills and continue your development as a successful future leader of the business.

“People do not decide to become extraordinary.
They decide to accomplish extraordinary things.”
– Edmund Hillary

“Yesterday was great. Really inspirational and energising. Nicky’s already got me looking at things differently and implementing changes outside of my comfort zone.
I think she’s going to make a big difference. Thank you.”
– Participant

What does ‘great’ look like?

  • From a team perspective/from an individual perspective
  • How does it feel?
  • What are the measures of success
  • What does the rest of the business see?
    (Incorporating a ‘PRINT’ assessment and detailed report that opens the eyes to ‘Best Self’, ‘Blind Spots’ and ‘Triggers’).

What are the barriers to achieving great?

  • What barriers are real?
  • What barriers are perceived?
  • How do we successfully remove those barriers?
  • How do we stay on track during tough times?
  • When do our ‘Strengths’ take us into ‘Shadow’ and
  • reduce our performance?


Understanding how our behaviours and that of our colleagues disrupt performance, sometimes unintentionally.

How do we get from ‘Today’ to ‘Great’?

  • What do we need from our Leaders?
  • What do we need from the business?
  • What must we shift in ourselves?
  • How do we stretch ourselves and play to our best self every day?
  • What do we need to achieve our best self?

Goal setting

  • Develop individual and team related action plan
  • Goal setting

How do we inspire?

  • Inspiring others – Are we all accountable for being inspirational?
  • Who do we expect to inspire us?
  • What does it feel like to be inspired?
  • How do we stretch ourselves to deliver inspiration to those around us?
  • Understanding those ‘Strengths’ around us to develop High Performing Teams, all  playing their ‘A Game’.

Giving great feedback

  • A wonderful tool for inspirational leaders

Playing to strengths

  • Understanding how I perform to my best, what do I need to achieve this everyday?
  • How do I collaborate and work best with others?
  • How do I work best with others?
  • What am I missing that I need to go and get?
  • What are my triggers, how do I stay out of the shadow and deliver my ‘A’ game?

Future plans

Developing Stretch targets – Personal & Professional?